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Be the first to know! Access to a feed where I post WIPs of secret projects, upcoming merch, etc. …Maybe some pictures of Stache too. You'll also get early access to new merch.
Not only do you get all the same perks as Seeing Eye (private post feed and early access to new products) You will also get access to all archived products, and get an exclusive discount code to use on past and future merch (EYEWANT10 - 10% off).
NEW monthly members pay $3 their first month, and annual members get 20% off their first year (that's over $10 off!).
Do you just want to throw money at this project? Similar rewards to Eye Want It. As a bonus, you will also get an exclusive discount code to use on past and future merch (ANGEL20 - 20% off). There may also be free gifts for this tier in the future. I will also judge you for purchasing, consider my judgement another bonus.
NEW monthly members pay $7.50 their first month, and annual members get 20% off their first year (that's over $30 off!).